ASCWG Crypto - Qualifications Writeups

Written by Neroli on
ASCWG Crypto - Qualifications Writeups

Ascwg Crypto

Crypto Challenge with Number Theory

we are given python file which contains this code:

flag = open("flag.txt","rb").read()
if len(flag) > 50:

a = int.from_bytes(open("flag.txt","rb").read(), byteorder='big')

b = a << 99998
b = str(b)
if not b.endswith('46186384884704143502810449626149776675765629346197308004864280982758330594138478052711607866947764263543620513433238646216483214982856318892731845815726243647558073159634372394623630437969797570363392'):

Analysing the Script

To understand what is that first: we need to know what is the Logical Shift

so left shift means multiply by 2^n

for Ex:

x « 5 == x * 2^5

and second: ends with means that we are using remainder with 10^(length of the string)

so let’s write small equation let p = 46186384884704143502810449626149776675765629346197308004864280982758330594138478052711607866947764263543620513433238646216483214982856318892731845815726243647558073159634372394623630437969797570363392

b = a * 2^99998 , b mod (10^len(p)) = p

let’s write math: p ≡ b mod(10^200)

Foctorizing and Modular multiplicative inverse

to solve this Congruence and find the modinv we can use fermat little theorem but b and (2^200) are not co-primes

so we need to find a way, so after factoring using factordb p we got

p = 2^200 * 26 * 1265623 * 873448153343904364064230825514061770018600536286831235155141023388502830698662938149391708444890719584420535903183100333128864835829

let’s rewrite it: b = x * (10^200) + p so, b = x * (10^200) + 2^200 * 26 * 1265623 * 873448153343904364064230825514061770018600536286831235155141023388502830698662938149391708444890719584420535903183100333128864835829

to reduce the 10 to something would be co-prime with 2 we can take the factor between them so,

since b = a * 2^99998

a * 2^99998 = x * (10^200) + 2^200 * 26 * 1265623 * 873448153343904364064230825514061770018600536286831235155141023388502830698662938149391708444890719584420535903183100333128864835829

a * 2^99798 * 2^200 = x * (10^200) + 2^200 * 26 * 1265623 * 873448153343904364064230825514061770018600536286831235155141023388502830698662938149391708444890719584420535903183100333128864835829

dividing both sides with 2^200

a * 2^99798 = x * (5^200) + 26 * 1265623 * 873448153343904364064230825514061770018600536286831235155141023388502830698662938149391708444890719584420535903183100333128864835829

let u = 26 * 1265623 * 873448153343904364064230825514061770018600536286831235155141023388502830698662938149391708444890719584420535903183100333128864835829

so a * 2^99798 = x * (5^200) + u

which means

u ≡ a * (2^99798) mod(5^200) now it’s easy to find the modinv using python

from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, inverse
l = pow(5,200)
p = 46186384884704143502810449626149776675765629346197308004864280982758330594138478052711607866947764263543620513433238646216483214982856318892731845815726243647558073159634372394623630437969797570363392
u = p // pow(2,200)
modinv = inverse(pow(2,99798,l),l)

flag = (u * modinv) % l
flag = long_to_bytes(flag)

which gave me the flag




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