SaveTheWorld - Cybertalents ArabRegionals 2020

Written by Neroli on
SaveTheWorld - Cybertalents ArabRegionals 2020

Arab Regionals 2020 Savetheworld challenge Writeup

Name: Save the World

Points: 200

Level: Hard

Solved: 0

Memory Forensics

First of all we got Memory dump file called it5_not_this_easy.mem

Running volatility on it to get the available profile: volatility -f it5_not_this_easy.mem imageinfo :

as we can see we got Win7SP0x64 profile

first thing that got into my mind is to find the process list

[neroli@neroli-pc solve]$ volatility -f it5_not_this_easy.mem --profile=Win7SP0x64 pslist
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6.1
Offset(V)          Name                    PID   PPID   Thds     Hnds   Sess  Wow64 Start                          Exit                          
------------------ -------------------- ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ ------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
0xfffffa80003999b0 System                    4      0    100      510 ------      0 2020-10-06 15:40:37 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa8001899a00 notepad.exe            3936   2992      4       80      1      0 2020-10-06 15:49:53 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa80019b7b00 PurblePlace.ex          160   2992     10      201      1      0 2020-10-06 15:50:08 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa8001844b00 svshosts.exe           3496   2992      2       51      1      1 2020-10-06 15:50:25 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa8001834060 conhost.exe            3364    408      2       52      1      0 2020-10-06 15:50:25 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa80015bcb00 worm.exe               3416   2992      1       20      1      1 2020-10-06 15:50:29 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa80008b6060 conhost.exe            4088    408      2       53      1      0 2020-10-06 15:50:29 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa80019e4b00 trajon.exe             3312   2992      1       20      1      1 2020-10-06 15:50:31 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa80018f0b00 conhost.exe            3316    408      2       53      1      0 2020-10-06 15:50:31 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa8001923b00 WinRAR.exe             3444   2992      5      113      1      0 2020-10-06 15:50:36 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa8001950980 ransomware.exe         3864   2992      1       20      1      1 2020-10-06 15:50:37 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa80015175f0 conhost.exe            3412    408      2       53      1      0 2020-10-06 15:50:37 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa8001999060 malware.exe            1660   2992      1       20      1      1 2020-10-06 15:50:38 UTC+0000                                 
0xfffffa8001977b00 conhost.exe            1812    408      2       52      1      0 2020-10-06 15:50:38 UTC+0000                                 
[neroli@neroli-pc solve]$ 

There are many interesting processes, so let’s get what is printed

[neroli@neroli-pc solve]$ volatility -f it5_not_this_easy.mem --profile=Win7SP0x64 consoles
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6.1
ConsoleProcess: conhost.exe Pid: 3364
Console: 0xffac6200 CommandHistorySize: 50
HistoryBufferCount: 1 HistoryBufferMax: 4
OriginalTitle: C:\Users\labib\Desktop\save_the_worled\svshosts.exe
Title: C:\Users\labib\Desktop\save_the_worled\svshosts.exe
CommandHistory: 0x7eef0 Application: svshosts.exe Flags: Allocated
CommandCount: 0 LastAdded: -1 LastDisplayed: -1
FirstCommand: 0 CommandCountMax: 50
ProcessHandle: 0x60
Screen 0x61310 X:80 Y:300
you have been hacked successfully ;)                                            
hope u ll 3njoy this challing ;)                                                
press any key                                                                   
ConsoleProcess: conhost.exe Pid: 4088
Console: 0xffac6200 CommandHistorySize: 50
HistoryBufferCount: 1 HistoryBufferMax: 4
OriginalTitle: C:\Users\labib\Desktop\save_the_worled\worm.exe
Title: C:\Users\labib\Desktop\save_the_worled\worm.exe
CommandHistory: 0x16eef0 Application: worm.exe Flags: Allocated
CommandCount: 0 LastAdded: -1 LastDisplayed: -1
FirstCommand: 0 CommandCountMax: 50
ProcessHandle: 0x60
Screen 0x151310 X:80 Y:300
i know i looks sus but its not me , the malware is Amongus                      
ConsoleProcess: conhost.exe Pid: 3316
Console: 0xffac6200 CommandHistorySize: 50
HistoryBufferCount: 1 HistoryBufferMax: 4
OriginalTitle: C:\Users\labib\Desktop\save_the_worled\trajon.exe
Title: C:\Users\labib\Desktop\save_the_worled\trajon.exe
AttachedProcess: trajon.exe Pid: 3312 Handle: 0x60
CommandHistory: 0x2feef0 Application: trajon.exe Flags: Allocated
CommandCount: 0 LastAdded: -1 LastDisplayed: -1
FirstCommand: 0 CommandCountMax: 50
ProcessHandle: 0x60
Screen 0x2e1310 X:80 Y:300
do u think i looks like trojan                                                  
ConsoleProcess: conhost.exe Pid: 3412
Console: 0xffac6200 CommandHistorySize: 50
HistoryBufferCount: 1 HistoryBufferMax: 4
OriginalTitle: C:\Users\labib\Desktop\save_the_worled\ransomware.exe
Title: C:\Users\labib\Desktop\save_the_worled\ransomware.exe
AttachedProcess: ransomware.exe Pid: 3864 Handle: 0x60
CommandHistory: 0x2eef20 Application: ransomware.exe Flags: Allocated
CommandCount: 0 LastAdded: -1 LastDisplayed: -1
FirstCommand: 0 CommandCountMax: 50
ProcessHandle: 0x60
Screen 0x2d1380 X:80 Y:300
not me dont wast ur time                                                        
ConsoleProcess: conhost.exe Pid: 1812
Console: 0xffac6200 CommandHistorySize: 50
HistoryBufferCount: 1 HistoryBufferMax: 4
OriginalTitle: C:\Users\labib\Desktop\save_the_worled\malware.exe
Title: C:\Users\labib\Desktop\save_the_worled\malware.exe
AttachedProcess: malware.exe Pid: 1660 Handle: 0x60
CommandHistory: 0x33ef00 Application: malware.exe Flags: Allocated
CommandCount: 0 LastAdded: -1 LastDisplayed: -1
FirstCommand: 0 CommandCountMax: 50
ProcessHandle: 0x60
Screen 0x321320 X:80 Y:300
the meme were soooo funny , so i put this fun in the challenge , i hope u r have
ing the same fun now , this may be kind of hint                                 
[neroli@neroli-pc solve]$ 

having in mind that the flag description was talking about memes so it seems that worm.exe , malware.exe , ransomware.exe, trajon.exe are fake malwares

so our target is svshosts.exe since it’s similar to svchost and also we now know that our path is C:\Users\labib\Desktop\save_the_worled\ so let’s get the files list in this location

we can see that there is a rar file called step2.rar which was protected with password

now let’s work with svshosts.exe First thing i thought since it’s a Forensics challenge we don’t need to reverse the malware so i started with dumping the memory to find the encryption key or something which maybe the rar password so running memdump

volatility -f it5_not_this_easy.mem --profile=Win7SP0x64 memdump -p 3496 -D .

running strings on the dump file we got alot of informations like:

  • msg from the malware:
    hay bro , you have been hacked . 
    dont worry you can recover your data for only 20.0 bc . 
    if you are ok with this deal you can call us in this number +13370507458420053 
    use the attached ID to recover your data .
    if it waere you first tome with us , ask for you gift 
    we have best castomer serves we are working 24//7.
    good luck 
    your ID is : Xt2J_dgz4_PRjM_53Rd_jSLS_fhTI
    note for the challenge : this is a very safe program dont worry ;)
  • alot of html pages which tells that the malware is dealing webserver
  • webserver IP and Port and ID and Key:
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 74
    Cache-Control: max-age=0
    Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
    Cookie: PHPSESSID=s8jgn9u6j84qlrviq4mtddkn9b
  • admin credentials and webserver endpoint:
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 42
    Cache-Control: max-age=0
    Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
    Cookie: PHPSESSID=s8jgn9u6j84qlrviq4mtddkn9b

    WebApplication Exploitation

when i opened the webserver I got nginx welcome page moving to the endpoint we got a login page

entering the credentials that we got gave me admin panel page

entering the key and id that we got didn’t help

after trying to find sqli in this page i got nothing

but trying it on the login page using sqlmap i got a blind sqli

but the web server was going down every 3 mins so i gave up in the competition and they had released the full db file in the last 30 min but i was solving another challenge XD

now let’s get back to work

after going home the challenge went back again alive so let’s continue

getting the dbs:

I know already from the db file that we need to go for the backup table in mal_w db

I got a lot of records and all of them was not readable and seemed encrypted

mm.. let’s see again what we have:

  • admin credentials
  • password protected rar
  • malware
  • README with ID

    Reverse Engineering

    now let’s get back to the malware svshosts.exe

Running it was asking for a number and if we entered any number it outputs garbage data and crashes

reversing the number function gave us this code:

int *__fastcall sub_125530(void *Src, int a2)
  char magic_number; // bl
  int *v3; // esi
  int v4; // ecx
  unsigned int j; // edi
  unsigned int v6; // edx
  char v7; // al
  unsigned int v8; // ebx
  __int128 bytes; // [esp+10h] [ebp-210h]
  __int128 v11; // [esp+20h] [ebp-200h]
  __int128 v12; // [esp+30h] [ebp-1F0h]
  __int128 v13; // [esp+40h] [ebp-1E0h]
  __int128 v14; // [esp+50h] [ebp-1D0h]
  __int128 v15; // [esp+60h] [ebp-1C0h]
  __int128 v16; // [esp+70h] [ebp-1B0h]
  __int128 v17; // [esp+80h] [ebp-1A0h]
  __int128 v18; // [esp+90h] [ebp-190h]
  __int128 v19; // [esp+A0h] [ebp-180h]
  __int128 v20; // [esp+B0h] [ebp-170h]
  __int128 v21; // [esp+C0h] [ebp-160h]
  __int128 v22; // [esp+D0h] [ebp-150h]
  __int128 v23; // [esp+E0h] [ebp-140h]
  __int128 v24; // [esp+F0h] [ebp-130h]
  __int128 v25; // [esp+100h] [ebp-120h]
  __int128 v26; // [esp+110h] [ebp-110h]
  __int128 v27; // [esp+120h] [ebp-100h]
  __int128 v28; // [esp+130h] [ebp-F0h]
  __int128 v29; // [esp+140h] [ebp-E0h]
  __int128 v30; // [esp+150h] [ebp-D0h]
  __int128 v31; // [esp+160h] [ebp-C0h]
  __int128 v32; // [esp+170h] [ebp-B0h]
  __int128 v33; // [esp+180h] [ebp-A0h]
  __int128 v34; // [esp+190h] [ebp-90h]
  __int128 v35; // [esp+1A0h] [ebp-80h]
  __int128 v36; // [esp+1B0h] [ebp-70h]
  __int128 v37; // [esp+1C0h] [ebp-60h]
  __int128 v38; // [esp+1D0h] [ebp-50h]
  __int128 v39; // [esp+1E0h] [ebp-40h]
  __int128 v40; // [esp+1F0h] [ebp-30h]
  void *v41; // [esp+200h] [ebp-20h]
  int v42; // [esp+204h] [ebp-1Ch]
  int v43; // [esp+208h] [ebp-18h]
  int v44; // [esp+20Ch] [ebp-14h]
  char v45[4]; // [esp+210h] [ebp-10h]
  int v46; // [esp+21Ch] [ebp-4h]

  magic_number = a2;
  v42 = a2;
  v3 = Src;
  v44 = Src;
  v41 = Src;
  bytes = xmmword_12B010;
  v11 = xmmword_12AFF0;
  *(Src + 4) = 0;
  v12 = xmmword_12B030;
  *(Src + 5) = 15;
  v13 = xmmword_12AFA0;
  v14 = xmmword_12AF90;
  *Src = 0;
  v15 = xmmword_12B020;
  v16 = xmmword_12B170;
  v17 = xmmword_12B0A0;
  v18 = xmmword_12AFE0;
  v19 = xmmword_12B180;
  v20 = xmmword_12B0C0;
  v21 = xmmword_12B0E0;
  v22 = xmmword_12B090;
  v23 = xmmword_12B0D0;
  v24 = xmmword_12B100;
  v25 = xmmword_12B080;
  v26 = xmmword_12B150;
  v27 = xmmword_12B0F0;
  v28 = xmmword_12B040;
  v29 = xmmword_12B0B0;
  v30 = xmmword_12AFC0;
  v31 = xmmword_12B1A0;
  v32 = xmmword_12AFB0;
  v33 = xmmword_12AF60;
  v34 = xmmword_12AF70;
  v35 = xmmword_12AF50;
  v36 = xmmword_12AFD0;
  v37 = xmmword_12B190;
  v38 = xmmword_12B000;
  v39 = xmmword_12B160;
  v40 = xmmword_12AF80;
  s(Src, &dword_12A2ED, 0);
  v46 = 0;
  j = 0;
  v43 = 1;
    v6 = v3[4];
    v7 = magic_number ^ *(&bytes + 4 * j);
    v8 = v3[5];
    v45[0] = v7;
    if ( v6 >= v8 )
      LOBYTE(v44) = 0;
      sub_127CF0(v3, v4, v44, v45[0]);
      v3[4] = v6 + 1;
      v4 = v3;
      if ( v8 >= 0x10 )
        v4 = *v3;
      *(v4 + v6) = v7;
      *(v4 + v6 + 1) = 0;
    magic_number = v42;
  while ( j < 0x7C );
  return v3;

all what it was doing is using our number as a key to xor an array of bytes: array_of_bytes= ['0x2d', '0x25', '0x25', '0x2e', '0x6a', '0x20', '0x25', '0x28', '0x6a', '0x66', '0x26', '0x2f', '0x3e', '0x6a', '0x3e', '0x22', '0x2f', '0x6a', '0x29', '0x22', '0x2b', '0x26', '0x26', '0x2f', '0x24', '0x2d', '0x2f', '0x6a', '0x39', '0x3e', '0x2b', '0x38', '0x3e', '0x6a', '0x24', '0x25', '0x3d', '0x6a', '0x66', '0x6a', '0x3e', '0x22', '0x23', '0x39', '0x6a', '0x3a', '0x2b', '0x39', '0x39', '0x3d', '0x25', '0x38', '0x2e', '0x6a', '0x23', '0x39', '0x6a', '0x33', '0x25', '0x3f', '0x6a', '0x3d', '0x2b', '0x33', '0x6a', '0x3e', '0x25', '0x6a', '0x29', '0x25', '0x27', '0x3a', '0x26', '0x2f', '0x3e', '0x2f', '0x6a', '0x3c', '0x2f', '0x38', '0x39', '0x23', '0x25', '0x24', '0x6a', '0x74', '0x74', '0x6a', '0x6d', '0x23', '0x15', '0x24', '0x2f', '0x79', '0x2e', '0x15', '0x3e', '0x02', '0x2f', '0x15', '0x3c', '0x25', '0x26', '0x15', '0x27', '0x2f', '0x07', '0x25', '0x38', '0x33', '0x6d', '0x6a', '0x76', '0x76', '0x6a', '0x2d', '0x25', '0x25', '0x2e', '0x6a', '0x26', '0x3f', '0x29', '0x21']

so with a simple bruteforce script we got the right key:

array_of_bytes= ['0x2d', '0x25', '0x25', '0x2e', '0x6a', '0x20', '0x25', '0x28', '0x6a', '0x66', '0x26', '0x2f', '0x3e', '0x6a', '0x3e', '0x22', '0x2f', '0x6a', '0x29', '0x22', '0x2b', '0x26', '0x26', '0x2f', '0x24', '0x2d', '0x2f', '0x6a', '0x39', '0x3e', '0x2b', '0x38', '0x3e', '0x6a', '0x24', '0x25', '0x3d', '0x6a', '0x66', '0x6a', '0x3e', '0x22', '0x23', '0x39', '0x6a', '0x3a', '0x2b', '0x39', '0x39', '0x3d', '0x25', '0x38', '0x2e', '0x6a', '0x23', '0x39', '0x6a', '0x33', '0x25', '0x3f', '0x6a', '0x3d', '0x2b', '0x33', '0x6a', '0x3e', '0x25', '0x6a', '0x29', '0x25', '0x27', '0x3a', '0x26', '0x2f', '0x3e', '0x2f', '0x6a', '0x3c', '0x2f', '0x38', '0x39', '0x23', '0x25', '0x24', '0x6a', '0x74', '0x74', '0x6a', '0x6d', '0x23', '0x15', '0x24', '0x2f', '0x79', '0x2e', '0x15', '0x3e', '0x02', '0x2f', '0x15', '0x3c', '0x25', '0x26', '0x15', '0x27', '0x2f', '0x07', '0x25', '0x38', '0x33', '0x6d', '0x6a', '0x76', '0x76', '0x6a', '0x2d', '0x25', '0x25', '0x2e', '0x6a', '0x26', '0x3f', '0x29', '0x21']
for i in range(0xff):

    for e in array_of_bytes:

            print(chr(i ^ int(e,16) ) ,end="")

which was 74 and our output was: good job ,let the challenge start now , this password is you way to complete version >> 'i_ne3d_tHe_vol_meMory' << good luck

and the program was still crashing so using i_ne3d_tHe_vol_meMory as a password for the rar file gave us the fixed malware

now let’s reverse it, to be honest the strings part helped me alot since I know now what I need

so I searched for the function which encrypts the data because our id in the readme file was not the same as the one in the httprequest above after some digging me and my team mate alya found the encryption function at address 0x125310:

DWORD *_cdecl takes_our_id(void *Memory, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, void *admin, int a8, int a9, int a10, int sabet, int a12)
  _DWORD *v12; // ecx
  _DWORD *v13; // ebx
  int id_indices; // edi
  unsigned int i; // eax
  unsigned int len_of_alphabet; // ebx
  unsigned int integer; // ecx
  void **alphabet; // esi
  _DWORD *chrr; // eax
  int j; // edx
  bool boooool; // zf
  unsigned int k; // esi
  unsigned int v23; // edi
  unsigned int index_1; // edx
  bool idx; // cf
  void **alphabettt; // eax
  char *adminn; // ecx
  void **alphabet2; // ecx
  unsigned int idx2; // edx
  char chrrr; // al
  unsigned int v31; // ecx
  unsigned int v32; // edx
  _DWORD *encrypted_id; // eax
  void *v34; // ecx
  int v35; // edx
  _DWORD *Src; // [esp+14h] [ebp-2Ch]
  int v38; // [esp+20h] [ebp-20h]
  int INDEXXX; // [esp+24h] [ebp-1Ch]
  unsigned int key_indices; // [esp+28h] [ebp-18h]
  unsigned int v41; // [esp+2Ch] [ebp-14h]
  char v42; // [esp+30h] [ebp-10h]

  v13 = v12;
  Src = v12;
  v38 = v12;
  v12[4] = 0;
  v12[5] = 15;
  *v12 = 0;
  encrypt(v12, &dword_12A2ED, 0);
  id_indices = 0;
  i = 0;
  INDEXXX = 0;
  key_indices = 0;
  v41 = 0;
  if ( a5 )
      len_of_alphabet = dword_12E058;
      integer = dword_12E05C;
      if ( dword_12E058 )
          alphabet = &::alphabet;
          if ( integer >= 0x10 )
            alphabet = ::alphabet;
          chrr = takes_our_id_and_an_index(&Memory, i);
          boooool = *(alphabet + j) == *chrr;
          i = v41;
          integer = dword_12E05C;
          if ( boooool )
            id_indices = j;
        while ( j + 1 < len_of_alphabet );
        INDEXXX = id_indices;
      k = 0;
      if ( len_of_alphabet )
        len_of_alphabet = dword_12E058;
        v23 = key_indices;
        index_1 = sabet - i % sabet;
          idx = integer < 0x10;
          alphabettt = &::alphabet;
          adminn = &admin;
          if ( !idx )
            alphabettt = ::alphabet;
          if ( a12 >= 0x10 )
            adminn = admin;
          boooool = *(alphabettt + k) == adminn[index_1 - 1];
          integer = dword_12E05C;
          if ( boooool )
            v23 = k;
        while ( k < dword_12E058 );
        key_indices = v23;
        id_indices = INDEXXX;
      alphabet2 = &::alphabet;
      if ( dword_12E05C >= 0x10 )
        alphabet2 = ::alphabet;
      idx2 = (id_indices + key_indices) % len_of_alphabet;
      v13 = Src;
      chrrr = *(alphabet2 + idx2);
      v31 = Src[4];
      v32 = Src[5];
      v42 = chrrr;
      if ( v31 >= v32 )
        LOBYTE(v38) = 0;
        sub_127CF0(Src, v31, v38, chrrr);
        Src[4] = v31 + 1;
        encrypted_id = Src;
        if ( v32 >= 0x10 )
          encrypted_id = *Src;
        *(encrypted_id + v31) = v42;
        *(encrypted_id + v31 + 1) = 0;
      i = v41 + 1;
      v41 = i;
    while ( i < a5 );
  if ( a6 >= 0x10 )
    v34 = Memory;
    if ( (a6 + 1) >= 0x1000 )
      v34 = *(Memory - 1);
      v35 = a6 + 36;
      if ( (Memory - v34 - 4) > 0x1F )
        invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(v34, v35);
        return v13;
  a5 = 0;
  a6 = 15;
  LOBYTE(Memory) = 0;
  if ( a12 >= 0x10 )
    v34 = admin;
    if ( (a12 + 1) < 0x1000 )
      goto LABEL_35;
    v34 = *(admin - 1);
    v35 = a12 + 36;
    if ( (admin - v34 - 4) <= 0x1F )
      goto LABEL_35;
    goto LABEL_34;
  return v13;

it encrypts the Keys and IDs by doing these steps:

To encrypt the IDs:

  • get the username admin and reverse It nimda and use it as the key to encrypt all the IDs
  • find each character position in a saved text let’s call it alphabet = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789{}_@ and add it to the list called key_indices
  • do the same for the ID which was written in READMEEE.TXE file and save it as id_indices
  • then add each index in in id_indices to the corresponding index in key_indices to get the encrypted character alphabet[sum]

To Decrypt the KEYS:

  • do the above steps but this time with the key this_is_Admin_P@55 instead of the key admin .

so now let’s reverse the encryption function:

let x be our n’th char in ID and y our n’th char in admin and c the corresponding encrypted char, so: c = alphabet[(alpabet.index(x) + alphabet.index(y)) % len(alphabet)] then: x = alphabet[alphabet.index(c) - alphabet.index(y)]

now to find the right record (the one that has the flag) we can do one of the following :

  • decrypt all the keys we got from the database
  • or since the ransomware was in the admin machine, the correct IDs must be there. so we get the ID by dumping the notepad.exe process.

Doing the second one we got 4 IDs:

Since the database stores the IDs encrypted i first encrypted the 4 IDs using the key 'admin' in order to look for the encrypted values in the database:

alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789{}_@"
def get_idx(string):
        for i in range(len(string)):
            indices.append( alphabet.index(string[i]))
        return indices
def enc(inputt,key):
    id_indices = get_idx(inputt)
    key_indices = get_idx(key[::-1])

    for i in range(len(id_indices)):
        idx = (id_indices[i] + key_indices[i % len(key_indices)]) % len(alphabet)
        c= alphabet[idx]


IDS = ['Xt2J_dgz4_PRjM_53Rd_jSLS_fhTI', 'H2Pj_QlCx_X2Xp_KudH_fC2R_tU4c', 'y7c@_c4H7_lMiQ_{7zZ_a{2a_GMaC', 'k2dF_hAqd_gfn1_H6K8__saO_Ygdj']

for ID in IDS:
    enc(ID, 'admin')



Then i searched for them in the database.

the only encrypted ID I found in the db was the last one JWBiYGiO6YF@LQYuawXYlM_rY}AB_. it gave me the following encrypted Key: Wc3v8HNQbikTUqMJEx3knNu1LIbh_V}{JIyrjflt5GCLY_wSO{HIu_3Vmym}f

so I decrypted it:

alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789{}_@"

def get_idx(string):
        for i in range(len(string)):
            indices.append( alphabet.index(string[i]))
        return indices

def decrypt(encrypted, key):
    l = get_idx(encrypted)
    k = get_idx(key[::-1])
    for i in range(len(l)):
        x = l[i]
        x -= k[i%len(k)]

decrypt('Wc3v8HNQbikTUqMJEx3knNu1LIbh_V}{JIyrjflt5GCLY_wSO{HIu_3Vmym}f', 'this_is_Admin_P@55')

output: fl4g{its_imp0siplE_to_wOrk_hArd_foR_some7hin9_you_doNT_enjoY}

And that’s it XD, It was fun to solve after the ctf but it’s not a Forensics only challenge So it would better have more points or be parted into 3 parts each part gives us a flag for a different category

and also the webserver was going down a lot but it was fun to solve.

I hope u all like it :)


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