Cybertalents Egypt Finals 2020

Mohamed Sayed (FlEx)
Written by Mohamed Sayed (FlEx) on
Cybertalents Egypt Finals 2020

Egypt National CTF 2020 Cybertalents Writeup

Web Challenges

Cooki3 Sl4yer

Level: Easy

Points: 50

The servers is down so I canโ€™t show screenshots but I will share the idea of the challenge, the name of challenge show that we will play with the cookies I opened the source code after opening the challenge and found a comment with guest/guest user, I logged in with it and take a look on the cookies and I found these two values


its a simple base64 decode it to be


its a php serialization and another value i updated the serialization value to be O:4:"User":2:{s:5:"admin";s:5:"guest";s:4:"pass";s:5:"guest";} but didnโ€™t try it and I copied the other value and start search with it on Google(my friend) and the amazing thing that I found a write-up to a simpler idea but with a non readable language for me ๐Ÿ˜‚, and I found the solution ready for me and it is


I encoded it to base64 and added it to the cookies and I got my flag ๐Ÿ˜Ž.



Points: 100

This challenge have same issue the server is down so I will share the idea of it, the challenge was including an upload function with a dropdown menu to select the format of the uploaded file I tried a lot of payloads to upload a shell but I notice that the content-type of response is an image so there is two things first you should bypass it second thing you are in a wrong road, I took a step back and I read the challenge description again and I notice that there is a wizard word and this is the big hint itโ€™s imageTragick, how i knew? because itโ€™s logo is a wizard I used the website of imageTragick to solve this challenge after trying a lot of payloads I could read files on the server using this payload

push graphic-context
viewbox 0 0 640 480
image over 0,0 0,0 'label:@/etc/passwd'
pop graphic-context

I created a file with mvg extension and added the payload on it uploaded it and on the dropdown menu choose MVG and click upload, I took the request to repeater and take look on the response it was an image but when I opened it Render it show an image with the passwd file but notice that I changed the size from 64 to 512 in the request


after that I tried /etc/hosts, /etc/hostname, /etc/flag and finally I found it in /flag, after that I notice a readme.txt and it tell you where is the flag ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ but it wasnโ€™t hard to guess, and the flag was here


and this is the end ๐Ÿ˜.

The third challenge was hard no one solve it in the CTF (i think) but it was a SQl injection I was close to solve it but itโ€™s okay I will not share what I found on it because it could be usd in another CTF.

GoodBye ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹.


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